Register under : Indian Government Act 1882, NITI Ayog Govt. of India, Udyog Addhar Govt. of India
Association with: ICSCA, Certified By : ISO 9001:2015
Membership (National ) of: Qci, Nyad Foundation II (International ) of: TAFISA, IAKS, ICSSPE
TAFISA, IAKS and ICSSPE all are recognized by International Olympic Committee

Rock climbing

Rock climbing

Rock climbing has been around in India for a long time. Presumably, the mountaineers headed for Himalayan ascents had to train somewhere, and would have imparted some of the initial technical climbing culture. Documented evidence of rock climbing is associated with bouldering and climbing around Bangalore's famous Ramanagara crags and Turahalli boulders, around Western Ghats closer to Mumbai and Pune. The Deccan Plateau and south of the Vindhya Range are considered the prime locations for rock climbing in India. There is an established climbing tradition associated with Mumbai, Pune, and Bangalore. For example, Hampi is considered the bouldering capital of India. Climbers congregate here during New Year's Eve and climb through the weeks preceding and after. Badami is popular for its free and sport routes (numbering over 200).